Top 10 fastest growing Facebook games this week

market street on facebook
market street on facebook

Need to take a break from tending those virtual crops or slaving over at hot stove at your virtual cafe? Look no further than this week's list of the top 10 fastest growing Facebook games, courtesy of AppData.

Market Street
A new Facebook game that puts you in charge of your own virtual shop. Make sure you place orders in a timely fashion to keep your shelves stocked and keep customers coming back for more. This is one of several virtual shop games that have opened recently, and even though it's not really unique, it's still well done.

Jewel Box
Mob Science
This goal of this game is to open friend's jewel boxes and complete your gem collection. The number of boxes you have to open depends on the number of friends who are also playing the game. Don't really see the appeal, but, then again, diamonds are a girl's best friend.

Office Wars
Broken Bulb Studios
If the movie 'Office Space' were turned into a Facebook game, well, you'd probably get something like Office Wars. This fighting game set in an office environment has your employees go head to head with other offices, and fighters are armed with everything from spoiled lunches to fluorescent light bulbs. This game doesn't have the mass appeal of FarmVille, but it's charming and fills the hole that Ponzi left behind.
