Adding an Internet sales tax in an election year - you must be kidding

Adding an Internet sales tax in an election year - you must be kidding
Adding an Internet sales tax in an election year - you must be kidding

Congress, which is trying to find money by looking under the sofa cushions, has resurrected a plan to require Internet shoppers to pay state and local sales taxes.

The bill, dubbed the Main Street Fairness Act, was explained thoroughly earlier this month by Walletpop Blogger Josh Smith. In short, the measure was introduced by Rep. Bill Delahunt, a Taxachusetts Democrat, who argues that it is unfair to local businesses that online businesses escape paying sales tax.

The history of the battle over taxes goes back to a court ruling in 1992 when the Supreme Court confirmed that it was indeed too onerous and costly for businesses to calculate state and local taxes because they vary so much from state to state.
