Like, yeah! Like buttons help Facebook personalize the web


What do you like? That's the question Facebook and other websites ask, or will soon, every time you visit. In a quest to make it easier to share the things you like with your social network and to know everything you like on the web the Facebook Like button is now showing up on popular websites (like ours!).

The Facebook Like button is similar to the various sharing options which many websites and blogs already use to make it easier for users to share content that they enjoy, or like, with their friends.

You can see examples of this technology in this post where there is a button to share content on Twitter at the top left and many other options at the bottom. You'll also notice that WalletPop now has a Facebook Like button at the bottom of every post that allows you to share the page with your social network with one click.

If you click the Facebook Like button at the bottom of this post it will instantly create a link on your Facebook profile that shares the story with your friends. When your friends "Like" a story on WalletPop or one of the other websites that use the Facebook Like button you'll see it show up in the "News Feed" so that you'll always know what your friends enjoy reading. Go ahead and "Like" this post, we'll wait.
