Unemployment benefits back on the agenda, but where's the 'Grapes of Wrath?'


To his credit, President Obama finally spoke out urging Congress to extend unemployment benefits to the millions who are still out of work. He gave a verbal poke in the ribs to the Republicans who checked out of town early over the July 4th weekend leaving this bit of business unfinished, and said some things that would have been nice to hear a few weeks ago.

Nice speech Mr. President, but Rome is still burning while the fiddlers play.

You can expect that at least 400,000 sets of jobless fingers will be crossed until tomorrow, when the Senate is expected to consider the measure again, seconds after the Democrats swear-in a replacement for the late-Sen. Robert Byrd and pick up the 60 votes they need to block a GOP filibuster. 400,000 people a week have lost their unemployment benefits while Congress diddles around on this -- but few seem to care.
