Trident White Puzzle Smash: Not bad, for a Facebook advergame

trident white puzzle smash
trident white puzzle smash

Ever since the Facebook gaming revolution started, companies have been salivating over the prospect of creating a social game that will engage users for five minutes or more, all while bombarding them with all-too-obvious product placement. The old Burger King games for Xbox 360 showed us how this can be a not-so-terrible experience, but the slew of Facebook advergames have been anywhere from dull to downright abysmal.

Now Trident is giving the Facebook advergame thing a go -- and I have to admit -- it's not terrible. The game, called Trident White Puzzle Smash, is a Tetris clone, where you match like-colored blocks which fall from the top of the screen and then destroy them by using White-out smashers and Color Cleaners. (Just like Trident White gets rids of color on your teeth -- get it?). The game is controlled using the arrow keys and the space bar, and as time moves on, the blocks start falling faster, until they stack up to the top of the screen, and it's game over.
