Pottery Barn Kids crib recall announced

Pottery Barn Kids crib recall
Pottery Barn Kids crib recall

Pottery Barn Kids has issued a recall for every drop-side crib sold by the retailer over the past 11 years, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said.

Deadly drop-side cribs, blamed for as many as 46 deaths since 2001, have been the subject of a recent spate of recalls -- including seven just last month. Coincidentally, just hours before the Pottery Barn recall was announced, the CPSC voted unanimously to establish new standards for cribs that would ban the drop-side style in the United States.

While the Pottery Barn cribs that are being recalled have not been blamed for any deaths, they have been involved in 36 incidents reported to either the company or the CPSC, including seven involving injuries and one child who was trapped between the mattress and drop-side, the CPSC said.
