Kellogg cereal recall caused by petrochemical

Kellogg cereal recall
Kellogg cereal recall

A petrochemical was the cause of the foul smell that sickened a handful of people and led to the massive recall last month of some 28 million boxes of Kellogg cereal -- including Froot Loops and Corn Pops, the non-profit Environmental Working Group announced.

The group said little is known about the health risks of the chemical, Methylnaphthalene.

"What little we do know about the history of this chemical is checkered at best," said Environmental Working Group senior scientist Dave Andrews, in a statement. "Millions of pounds are produced every year, and this chemical is turning up in the packaging for popular cereals marketed toward children. I think it's important for federal public health agencies like the EPA and FDA to know everything there is to know about the possible risks this fossil fuel could pose to people's health."
