What's Hot on RentedSpaces This Week

Green ideas for grilling
Green ideas for grilling

Even when the thermometer shows nothing but red, you can still make sure that you're living green. See how, with tips on eco-friendly grilling, greening your apartment, low-energy meal prep, and more. It's all here on RentedSpaces this week.

Green Grilling: Eco-Friendly Ways to Barbecue
You can probably tell by its eye-burning stink that lighter fluid isn't exactly "green" -- but take a look at some other small changes you can make to host a more eco-friendly barbecue this weekend. Read more.

Don't Buy New, Borrow From Your Neighbor
This newly launched web service can help you save money, space, and maybe even the environment. See how you can connect with a network of neighbors to swap or rent stuff like lawnmowers and camping equipment. Read more.
