FrontierVille Fourth of July event extended

frontierville fourth of july event extended
frontierville fourth of july event extended

For those of you who have been struggling to collect ham, hunt prarie piles and find those *&#! Tri-corner hats in order to finish FrontierVille's Fourth of July missions -- you can rest easy, sorta. These limited edition events will now be hanging around until July 12 (these were initially scheduled to disappear on July 7), so you can scurry to try to collect that Liberty Bell and complete Parts I - IV of the Fourth of July mission before time runs out.

If you need a refresher on the two Fourth of July missions, review in these previous posts:

FrontierVille's Independence Day Collection

FrontierVille Fourth of July Goal: Parts I-IV

Did you complete all of the Fourth of July missions yet? Looking to trade items with fellow players? Leave a note in the comments below.
