Moving In: Moving Day Disasters and How to Avoid Them, Part 2


Thanks to the homebuyer tax credit, the long holiday weekend will likely be one of the busiest times to move, in the busiest moving season of the year. And what better way to celebrate July Fourth than by fulfilling the American Dream of moving into your own home?

First, though, you need to make sure you get your stuff there.

Yesterday we introduced a list of five moving day disasters with a tale about a slipshod crew that dumped a mattress on L.A.'s Harbor Freeway. But try to break the conversational ice at a backyard barbecue with your own story of a moving day mishap and two other people might jump in with their own before you even get to the punchline. (Having occasionally worked as a mover myself during college, I also can tell you that they might have some stories of their own to tell about customers. And not necessarily about what big tippers they are.)

If you'll be packing up the grill this weekend instead of cooking on it, here are four more common moving day disasters to watch out for -- and if you already have enough conversation-starters, some ways to avoid them.
