Puzzle Quest 2 Mage Trainer levels up to celebrate Xbox Live Arcade launch

Puzzle Quest 2 Mage Trainer
Puzzle Quest 2 Mage Trainer

Best described as "Bejeweled meets Dungeons & Dragons", Puzzle Quest 2 Mage Trainer recently hit 40,000 monthly average users in the past week. It's a Facebook game that was released this April to pave the way for the launch of Puzzle Quest 2 on the Nintendo DS and Xbox Live Arcade.

The first Puzzle Quest was a big hit among the gaming community when it came out in 2007. Originally, the gameplay of the Facebook promo title plateaued passed level 9, but the game's popularity encouraged developers to add further levels and new rewards.

The DS version of Puzzle Quest 2 launched on June 22nd. Now, in celebration of the game's XBLA launch yesterday, three more levels, new spells and upgrades have been added to the Facebook title. To start questing, log into Facebook, and click here to launch the game.
