Lower your credit card bill fast with these tips

Lower your credit card bill fast with these tips
Lower your credit card bill fast with these tips

We here at WalletPop have spent plenty of time telling you about the big changes you can make to pare down your credit card debt and live a more financially stable life. While that's still a good goal, maybe a major lifestyle change isn't in the cards for you right now. Or maybe you're already well on your way out of the red (if so, good for you!) .

In either case, there are a handful of things you can still do -- right now, with the income and expenses you already have -- to shave some weight off that bill when it arrives at the end of the month. None of these are big changes -- we're not advising you to move to a cheaper town, drive an old car or deep-six your cell phone. These are all simple, manageable tactics that will help you shave a few of your hard-earned dollars off your next credit card statement -- and give you more control over your money.
