Cities With Jobs: Yes, They Do Exist

humbertomoreno, job search difficulty index
humbertomoreno, job search difficulty index

Summer: Time for flip-flops, beach vacations and the hunt for that first post-college job for recent grads. According to the job search engine,, certain towns offer better career opportunities than others.

Measuring a city's unemployed population versus the number of advertised positions, Juju's June list ranks Washington, D.C. as the easiest urban area to find work (with a scant 1.28 unemployed workers for every job) and St. Louis, Mo. as the worst (with more than 12 out of work people for every position on the market). Rounding out the top five for available employment are: San Jose, Calif., New York City, Baltimore and Hartford, Conn.

But, of course, a job isn't everything ...
