Neighbors from hell: 12 annoying stories from right next door


Everyone loves a good neighbor -- you know, the kind of person who brings over extra tomatoes from their garden or offers to keep an eye on your house while you're away. In today's transient society, where we often move far away from our parents and siblings, some neighbors even end up taking on the role of extended family, and become lifelong friends. But unfortunately for some, that's not always the case. The unlucky ones win the you've-got-to-be-kidding-me lottery and end up living next to well, neighbors from hell.

We are not talking about those who mow their grass a little too late at night or fail to keep their dog from ruining yet another patch of our well-maintained lawn. No, we mean those nasty and nutty people who take being a bad neighbor to a whole new level.

We knew they were out there, so we asked our readers to share their true stories of the most annoying neighbors they've ever had the bad fortune to live near. Here we round up our favorite dirty dozen from past years' reader submissions.
