Want an RV? Rent one first

Want an RV? Rent one first
Want an RV? Rent one first

The American Automobile Association predicts that there are going to be 34.9 million people traveling July 4th weekend, up 17% from last year. About 90% of them will be driving, AAA says.

The AAA doesn't appear to have any statistics about how many of them will be dragging or driving a recreational vehicle, but when you are out there on a holiday weekend, you'd swear that at least a third of the folks on the road are swinging and swaying along with their housing in tow.

In fact, the Recreational Vehicle Industry Association reports that more than 8.2 million U.S. households own an RV. Of those, 45.4% expect to travel more often in their RV this summer than they did last year; 41.9% say they'll be traveling the same amount.
