'The New Yorker' Misspells Chris Matthews' Name

New Yorker
New Yorker

The New Yorker, perhaps the finest magazine in America, famously almost never makes fact-checking errors. Almost.

This week, however, in the issue dated June 28, they made a doozy of a blunder. On page 54, in a piece by Ariel Levy on Mike Huckabee and the state of the GOP, the magazine came up one "T" short on a name: "Chris Mathews," it reads.

Not the end of the world, certainly. But such typo cases are so rare for The New Yorker, it's a little shocking to see in print. And what's even more shocking is that no one there seems to have noticed: The error lingers on in the digital version of the story. (Update: It's fixed now.)

Chalk it up to the summer heat, or a rare human error in the House of Remnick, or maybe they were even trying to tweak Matthews, the blustery MSNBC "Hardball" host. Or maybe the fact-checking department was distracted by the fact that the Dave Mathews Band's tour comes to the area next week.
