Happy Pets: New Limited Offer "Pot of Gold" is a cauldron of goodies

Happy Pets Pot of Gold
Happy Pets Pot of Gold

Never minding the fact that St. Paddy's was over four months ago, Happy Pets decided to release a premium limited offer item called Pot of Gold for 90 Facebook Credits (or $9 USD).

You can get it for yourself or gift it to a friend. But either way, this pot is a rainbow cauldron of goodies. And it's available while supplies last.

Check it out -- every day, you get one click on the pot for a free prize. That prize could be 1 FB Credit (and you can win up to 14 FB Credits, or $1.40 USD). After that, you'll get a Microcat as the 15th prize (see our Catzilla article for comparison images). Finally, every day, you get 300 Coins forever.
