The 10 best college-themed movies to rent or buy for cheap

The 10 best college-themed movies to rent or buy for cheap
The 10 best college-themed movies to rent or buy for cheap

Throughout cinematic history, many filmmakers have found ways to portray the social side of college through comedic keg-stands or scholarly stories of self discovery. Although countless movies have focused on these four (or more) life-changing years, few have succeeded to the extent of these 10.

10. With Honors: This 1994 film features actors Brendan Fraser and Patrick Dempsey in their younger years. Monty (Fraser) suffers from every college student's worst nightmare: a crashed computer and a lost thesis. Luckily, he printed a spare, but after a comical fumble, his hard copy ends up in the hands of Simon (Joe Pesci), who lives in a basement of the school. Simon sells back Monty's paper, page by page, in exchange for meals and a stay.

Netflix the flick (and many more) for $9 a month
Rent at Amazon for $3
