Blessed are the thrifty -- for they are the happiest of all (We told you so!)

Blessed are the thrifty -- for they are the happiest of all (We told you so!)
Blessed are the thrifty -- for they are the happiest of all (We told you so!)

And you thought we were just thinking small.

A recent Gallup poll said that 62% of us would rather save money than spend it, up significantly from 48% of us in 2001. That would seem to confirm what most of us here at WalletPop have been trying to tell you lo these three years: Thrift is good.

Remember thrift? Your grandparents probably do. Thrift used to be a great American value, but somewhere in the early '80s it got lost in the cult of all that glitters and surpassing the Jones's.

For more than 20 years, thrift became synonymous with "cheap," or "poor." Also, "pathetic." And we naturally thrifty sorts wondered why we were considered so outside the mainstream. Why would anyone want to drive a used car? they asked us. How can you live in such a small space?" And thrift stores? Oh we are so embarrassed for you.

And then came the Great Recession. Remember that? Of course you do.

Suddenly, nobody in the middle class had any money. And suddenly, thrift wasn't a lifestyle choice anymore. It was a necessity. Hard to keep up with the Joneses when your house has been foreclosed on and you can't find a job for all the resumes in China.
