Isaiah Mustafa, Old Spice Guy, gets TV deal

isaiah mustafa
isaiah mustafa

Former NFL player and now Old Spice pitchman Isaiah Mustafa is partnering with NBC to appear on various shows with the possibility of being casted for pilot episodes. The fame began when Mustafa made his appearance as the Old Spice Mascot - 'The Man Your Man Can Smell Like'. He played football from 1997-200 for various teams such as the Seattle Seahawks, Cleveland Browns, and Oakland Raiders.

It was a struggle at first for Mustafa as he left football to pursue a career in acting. He eventually landed small spots on Ugly Betty and Castle.

When the Old Spice commercial aired during the Superbowl, Mustafa found himself on the plush sofas of the Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres Show. Mustafa says he's still pushing hard to make a name for himself. He enjoys comedy and NBC loves his funny charm.

Mustafa has gone viral, with his Old Spice commercial spread over the internet. A star is born when you find parodies on YouTube. Ellen can't get enough of him, and the WalletPop newsroom couldn't help but replay the Old Spice commercial and chuckle. Our friends at Popeater voted Mustafa as the most popular Old Spice pitchman of all time.
