FarmVille releases huge update: New levels, gifts, mystery box, and crops


FarmVille have been teasing us all day, getting us excited for what they promised would be a very large update. We spend the evening refreshing the FarmVille fan page, and finally the release happened around 10:00pm Pacific Time. The main highlight of this release is 20 new levels; you can now reach level 90 in FarmVille. Along with the new levels are new item and crop unlocks, including more Island themed items. A slew of new gifts have shown up on the gift page, a change to the wheat crop, and a new mystery box. Read on for the full details on this enormous update.

The first thing that veteran farmers can look forward to are the 20 additional levels. If you have been level 70 for quite some time, you have actually been accumulating XP and when you log in - you will actually get the levels that you've earned retroactively. Some players are reporting up to 20 Farm Cash for leveling as well. If the Marketplace isn't allowing you to buy objects that you are clearly high enough level to purchase, try buying any low level cheap item to reset the counter and allow you to buy higher level items.
