Friday Freebies: free movie rental, free shaving gel, free coffee and more!


This week's freebies are all about staying close to home, from a free movie rental to samples of coffee, shaving gel, and paper towels. If you make it out, be sure to hit Hot Dog on a Stick on Tuesday for their free hot dog giveaway.

Mark your calender! Tuesday, June 15, 2010 is free hot dog day at Hot Dog on a Stick, which celebrates 60 years of being in business. Stop by between 5 and 8 p.m. Tuesday. Muscle Beach Lemonade & Hot Dogs locations are also participating in this free food deal. No coupon needed. Find details on the Hot Dog on a Stick Facebook page.

Get a free ticket to see the Giants practice at their new stadium June 15, 2010. Share your name, address, phone number, and email to get the ticket gratis. Concessions are extra. The practice is from 2:50-4:30 p.m. on a Tuesday. You must be 21 to get a free ticket or have a legal guardian over the age of 21 fill out a form. There is no age limit to attend the event.
