Father's Day 2010 free ice cream float at Denny's with $2 purchase

Let the father-themed freebies begin! The first deal I've noticed is a free ice cream float at Denny's, but it requires you to do two things. 1) Make a Fathers Day card on Facebook and 2) make a purchase of at least $2 when you redeem the card for the free float.

Start on Denny's Facebook page to make the card and send it to him on Facebook. You can also email it or print it out. Then bring the card, which has a coupon inside for the free float, to Denny's between June 20 and June 27, 2010. Dad gets to choose from one of three floats, Cherry Coke, Root Beer, or a Red, White and Blueberry. Make any purchase from the $2, $4, $6, $8 Value Menu or buy an entrée from the general menu to get the free treat.

Caveats: only valid at participating locations. The strange thing about Coke floats, which were a staple in my house growing up, is that after eating enough of them, Root Beer floats taste odd.
