How some colleges take DIY approach to booking the best bands


In part two of this two-part series, Money College columnist Steven Kent talks about a subject he knows extremely well: the college concert scene, and what makes it tick. Read part one here.

"Some things are just gonna work in Boston that won't fly in Sioux City, Iowa."

That's where we left off last time, with Gorden Schell of the National Association for Campus Activities suggesting that some schools are destined to remain draws for the most cutting-edge acts by virtue of geography and regional flavor.

However, one of the nation's most prominent examples of an indie-friendly, do-it-yourself approach to college concerts resides just a couple of hours down the road from Sioux City, in Grinnell, Iowa. In part two of Money College's spotlight on campus concerts, we'll take a look at how one student concert committee lures the most buzz-worthy independent acts in America using a student-led, ground-up approach to concert organizing.
