Suze Orman's birthday is today, and she has a gift for you

Suze Orman's birthday is today, and she has a gift for you
Suze Orman's birthday is today, and she has a gift for you

Today is Suze Orman's birthday, but don't worry if you haven't sent her a card. In fact, if you like watching her show, the famed personal finance adviser has a gift for you.

From 9 p.m. EST tonight, when The Suze Orman Show begins on CNBC, until midnight EST, anyone can go to her website -- -- and sign up for free identity theft protection from TrustedID, a company that specializes in watching over the credit of individuals, families and businesses.

Certain details aren't yet available on the website. For instance, how long will this free identity theft last? Given that an individual plan is $10 a month (or $8.25 a month if you buy a year's worth at a time), when signing up for this, you should make sure you aren't signing up for something that, in one month, will activate and suddenly you're on the hook to pay for identity theft every month. I, frankly, don't think Orman and her show would be involved if that were the case, but still ... buyer beware and all of that.

And there are plenty of personal finance experts out there who don't think identity theft protection is necessary to pay a monthly fee for, given that so much of protecting your identity is a matter of common sense. Like, shred your bills before you throw them away, don't post your social security number on Facebook and check your credit card and bank account statements religiously to make sure nothing is amiss.

But, hey, if you're concerned about identity theft -- a very genuine concern and an important issue -- and especially if you're a fan of Orman, check out her show, and maybe you'll conclude that this free gift is just too good to pass up.
