PageOnce Bills offers free bill reminders on the iPhone


If you've been looking for an easy way

to remember when your bills are due, how much you owe and avoid late fees, then you should check out the free PageOnce Bills app for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Bills is a recently released app that connects to all types of accounts and lets you know when your bills are due with a notification on your phone, an e-mail or by looking at a calendar view.

The Bills app doesn't offer all the functionality of a full-blown personal finance website like; instead its focus on bill payment allows it to connect to a wide range of service providers to alert you to bill due dates, new bills, and other account alerts. Since your bills are tied directly to your online accounts if a due date changes you'll know sooner rather than later.

Bills can connect to:

  • Credit cards -- Connects to numerous credit cards.

  • Communication bills --- Cell phone, home phone and others.

  • Household bills -- Cable, electricity, gas and more.

  • Loans -- Student loans, car loans, home loans, etc.

  • Insurance -- Home, auto, etc.

What I really like about Bills is that it can connect to accounts I actually use and need to keep an eye on. For example, I can hook Bills up to prepaid accounts like Skype and Google Voice and see what my current balance is. I can also connect it to my cable bill to keep track of any pay-per-view purchases.
