FarmVille Tips for Leveling Up the Fastest and Reaching Level 70


Many farmers ask, "What is the quickest way to level up and reach Level 70?". While the coveted Level 70 can be hard to reach for some, diligence proves necessary to reach higher levels, so just keep farming! FarmVille Freak Randy, put together his own guide of useful tips for farmers hoping to reach Level 70. To some veteran farmers these tips may seem elementary, but then again you are probably already a Level 70 farmer. These tips are most useful for those newbies and mid-level farmers that are struggling to level up.

Here is some background information about FarmVille Freak Randy's farming experience:

"My girlfriend got me started on Farmville because she had been playing since August of 2009. Eventually, I gave in to her FarmVille invitations and joined in October 2009. Some of my neighbors and my girlfriend were at around Level 30. I was only looking for fun but when I saw my Level increase so quickly through the lower Levels, I started getting into it. In time, I decided I would try to overcome my neighbors that were 30 levels (so about 50,000 points) ahead of me. Now I am the first of my neighbors to reach Level 70. My closest competitor (my girlfriend) is at Level 68. The next highest neighbor is at Level 51 200,000 points behind me. How did I do it? Read my tips below." -FarmVille Freak Randy
