Daily Blogwatch: First Human Infected with a Computer Virus


What Disney's princesses teach little girls.

How to invest alongside super investor Carl Icahn.

I was really glad to read his article on how to deal with the haters after reading the message board posts on various videos that I've done for Yahoo tech ticker.

Why does ice coffee cost more than regular coffee? Jon Steinberg provides some answers.

Jeff Miller provides his usual excellent insights when weighing the week ahead.

Mark Cuban looks at Netflix and its effect on the entertainment business. Cuban's blog is always worth reading.

Will "Facebook Questions" be the future of Facebook?. Related to this, recently someone told me an interesting statistic. Over 2bb queries a month on Google start with the words "who", "why", "what", "where", or "when" but only 80mm pages start with those words. Meaning, if you start a page (or multiple pages) with those words, chances are the search engines will find you.

A Disciplined Approach to Investing notes that market corrections are not unusual in a bull market. A quote from the post: "Since 1926, there have been 20 stock market corrections during bull markets, meaning 20 times the market declined 10% but did not subsequently fall into bear market territory. Whether the market recovers again from here and avoids a bear market remains to be seen, but at the very least the more surprising development based on historical patterns would have been a continued bull market rally without a 10% pause."

Was there global warming...7000 years ago? My favorite quote from the post: "Ask yourself this: if the heat of 7,000 years ago, so widespread around the globe and so pronounced in the far north, did not cause planetary catastrophe, why should the lesser warmth of this century?"

There's something disgusting about this: first human infected with a computer virus.
