Goodbye, Law & Order: New York actors will miss the work

Law & Order finished, NYC actors will miss the work
Law & Order finished, NYC actors will miss the work

Guest actor Tom Titone squeezed in an appearance on the second-to-last episode of NBC's Law & Order before it got canceled in its 20th season. "I've never known a show where you get a thank-you letter from the producers," he said.

Day players like Titone will continue to offer their thanks every time a residual check arrives. One of the relatively few major network programs to be shot in New York City, the crime drama that insiders called "the mother ship" nurtured legions of actors.The pay began at $800 a day for modest speaking roles -- a godsend for those accustomed to meager stage wages.

Its afterlife on cable and elsewhere will keep the L&O dividends coming. "It's the gift that keeps on giving," Titone said. "I still get checks for the first one. Over time, if you had a lean year, it adds up."
