FarmVille Farmer's Market now available for everyone

farmville farmer's market free stall
farmville farmer's market free stall

Sightings of the FarmVille Farmer's Market have been reported all week long, with only a lucky few who had access to this new features. Well, farmers, the wait is over. The Farmer's Market is now available to everyone.

The first mission is to open your Market, and that will require a Market Stall, which can be earned several ways: 1.) By planting and harvesting crops to get a bushel or 2.) By collecting Bushels from friends who are giving them away via their Facebook Walls. Once you have a bushel, the Market Stall will appear in your gift box. You can then place it on your farm and start learning more about how this stall will make it easier to run your farm with maximum success.

To learn more about how this new feature works, check out our FarmVille Farmer's Market: Everything You Need to Know guide.
