Couples Fight Over Who Weams (Waste More Energy and Money)

couples fight over who is the weamer
couples fight over who is the weamer


is said to have the most -- but, that's probably because no one has studied the impact weamers have on relationships in the U.S. Get used to the term "weamer" (Wasters of Energy and Money) because more energy-conscious couples are said to be fighting over who, exactly, is the weamer.

What's a weamer? Ebico, the U.K.'s only not-for-profit energy company, defines a "weamer" as someone who wastes energy and money. They just released a study that claims over 60% of British households argue over wasting energy, and therefore money, in the home.

Don't think American couples are immune, either. Haven't you been annoyed that your love is leaving lights or appliances on? Or that the heat or air conditioning is cranked up to the extreme? These are the little arguments that can wear a couple down.
