Tiki Resort goes Pineapples for Fans

Tiki Restort Pineapple Wonder
Tiki Restort Pineapple Wonder

You can now get up to five pineapples in Tiki Resort by clicking this link on the game's Facebook page. Pineapples function as a charm in the game that make the tourists on your island spend more money, which means that it's essentially a power-up.

Pineapples, in particular, can normally be acquired by purchasing scheduled air drops or paying 99 Facebook Credits (nearly $10 USD) for a pack of fifty. Certain attractions (e.g. "Pagoda Pigout" also manufacture Pineapple Charms on the side, while others require Pineapples to build. The massive, "Pineapple Wonder" (pictured at top of post) can be bought for 100 Facebook Credits or a combination of 40 Pineapple Charms and 80,000 Coins.

Do note that each click on that link gets you one pineapple, so you're going to have to do it five separate times.
