Father's Day 2010: Unexpected gift ideas

John Daly wears outrageous golf pants
John Daly wears outrageous golf pants

This year, why not surprise Dad on Father's Day with something a bit more imaginative that a bottle of hooch or a singing fish? There are many other ways to show that that you, er, you know, um, love him. We've compiled 10 ideas that will outshine those perfunctory gifts your siblings buy at the drug store on the way to the celebration.

1. Guy flicks: Top 10
We're all familiar with the meaning of chick flick (chick flick = Sex In the City, Mama Mia, et al). But there are guy flicks, too, and not just ones that feature uninterrupted explosions and bouncy bosoms. Why not buy your old man a really good guy flick for Father's Day? Here are ten great guy-movie suggestions. Add your favorites in the comments section at the end of this post.

  1. The Great Escape

  2. This is Spinal Tap

  3. Fight Club

  4. Cat Ballou

  5. Seven

  6. Blazing Saddles

  7. Airplane

  8. Braveheart

  9. Pulp Fiction

  10. Bullit

2. Crazy golf pants
Human beings love colorful garb, but the workplace frowns on overt displays by men, preferring us to dress in shades of boring gray. This is why men who golf lunge at the opportunity to dress like peacocks while hacking through 18 holes. For those men who enjoy showing their fashion side, no place offers the stunning array of outlandish fashion like Outstanding Golf Pants. Shagadelic prints, tiger stripes, houndstooth, the colors and designs are too mind-boggling to describe while sober.

3. Prostate exam coupon
According to the Centers for Disease Control, over 200,000 men developed prostate cancer in 2006, the latest year for which statistics are available. 28,372 men died of the disease. Yet millions of American dads go without an exam, many because the procedure is a fraction as uncomfortable as that a woman experiences in the office of her OB-GYN.

If you love your dad, encourage him to have the checkup. Perhaps this certificate could help you open a dialogue with your father about its importance. Don't let him become a statistic too.

Click on the coupon to bring up a larger version to print. Then make arrangements with the doctor of your choice to pay the tab when you father takes you up on the offer.
