Drop-Side Crib Recalls and Deaths Spur Law Proposal

crib recalls lead to proposal
crib recalls lead to proposal

It's hard to criticize a politician for being, well, a politician. And even when what they're proposing isn't really necessary, the publicity their bluster can bring can be of benefit.

And such is New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's plan to get Congress to ban the now known-to-be dangerous drop-side cribs. Hopefully, the attention she's garnered through her proposal will serve to help remind all those out there who still have one of these at home that it might be time to trade in for another model.

As for the proposed law, it wouldn't do more than is already in the works -- and with the way Congress works, it wouldn't even be law quickly enough to overtake the ongoing actions by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and the industry itself.
