Happy Pets: New premium Pet Idol grants daily premium pets

Happy Pets limited edition Pet Idol
Happy Pets limited edition Pet Idol

With the guarantee that "You will ALWAYS get a basket that contains a PREMIUM PET", the current Limited Edition Pet Idol from Happy Pets is selling fast. At the time of this post, there's only 4,123 idols left, where 11,748 had been available when the idol was announced on Friday in the forums.

Buying the idol will earn you 1,794 XP. It costs 598 Facebook Credits, or nearly $60 USD. For every 24 hours, players who own the idol will get a random, baby mystery pet basket of premium value.

The example screenshot (shown below) depicts a basket with a spotted green dinosaur egg! This is significant as dinos have yet to show up at the in-game store. They are, however, available as one of six exclusive pets if you can break all seven locks of the Trapped Pet feature.

Happy Pets Mystery Basket from Pet Idol
Happy Pets Mystery Basket from Pet Idol
