Free Chik-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich

Sign up now to get a free spicy chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A between May 31 and June 5, 2010. Reserving a free sandwich requires you to share your name, email, and zip code. A few other fields are optional. The freebies are limited so sign up if you are interested. This new menu item is not officially available until June 7.

Start by finding a Chick-fil-A near you, then chose a date you want to redeem your coupon for a free sandwich. The site will tell you how many reservations are available on each day. You will also need to pick one of three time frames, though it's unclear if Chick-fil-A will hold you to your time.

Caveats: dine-in only. You must be 13 or older to take advantage of this deal.

Thanks, Tina!
