Daily Blogwatch: Who Cares About Facebook Privacy?


Below are some of the best reads for investors from around the Web:

Why can't this guy ever cheer me up? Seth Klarman calls it "another lost decade" for stocks. Didn't the TV show Lost end last night? Wasn't that the "lost" decade? Is he talking about reruns?

Great analysis of a stock I've never heard of.

Divorce is expensive. Tiger Woods' wife wants $750,000,000.

Nice chart from Barry Ritholtz: National debt by president.

What has happened to Africa since 2003?

Jealous post of the day: Top three traders under 30.

Beating Buffett has an idea about how to trade Oracle (ORCL).

I agree with this post by Mark Cuban. Who cares about Facebook privacy?

An island off the coast of Manhattan may be up for sale.
