Zynga 7-Eleven Hot Coffee Cup Spotted in the Wild

7-Eleven Coffee Cup Zynga Code
7-Eleven Coffee Cup Zynga Code


I'm a frequent 7-Eleven customer. I get coffee there everyday. Yesterday my local 7-Eleven put out large hot coffee cup with a promo code on them. So far only large, green cups have the promo code them.

Hope you can use this info. I'm attaching 2 pictures.

All the Best,
FarmVille Freak Marta

It's unknown thus far if the codes on these cups will be used for Farmville, as the promotion booklet indicated iced coffee will be the purchase requirement for the FarmVille Coffee Cart. It appears the hot coffee cups may be for Mafia Wars and/or YoVille.

Once June 1st rolls around, we'll be sure to have updated info on what each code unlocks.

This article originally appeared onFarmVIlle Freak.
