YoVille reaches 5 million fans, gives fans free robe

YoVille free Black Velvet Robe
YoVille free Black Velvet Robe

It was only a few weeks ago that we posted about YoVille nearing 5 million fans and promising a great reward to all of their fans when they reach that milestone. Today, YoVille has reached that goal and have given all of their Facebook fans a free Black Velvet Robe to celebrate. This means that in three short weeks, YoVille have gained over 500,000 fans. That is mighty impressive for the game, and a great achievement for Zynga.

To try on your new Black Velvet Robe, simply check your inventory for this special surprise. You can see below, it's actually a very nice robe. And if you don't want it, you can always sell it to someone else. Some players in the YoVille official forums are reporting that they have sold it for over 1 million coins. That's pretty impressive if true, but we're not sure anyone would pay quite that much for an item that all fans get for free.

Picture Courtesy of Serafica Airheart

Head on over to YoVille to pick up your free Black Velvet Robe!
