Wild Ones goes fullscreen and adds new sound options

Wild Ones Full Screen Option
Wild Ones Full Screen Option

Playdom's new popular game, Wild Ones, has just released some great technical features tonight. While they might not be exciting combat related tactics or new sweet items, players will appreciate these little touches.

You can now increase your screen size to full screen in Wild Ones. This makes playing the game much easier because you can see more of the game at any given time. In addition, Wild Ones now allows you to control the sound effects separately from the music. This is great for players who enjoy listening to their own music while they play, but still want to hear the damage sound effects.

When you log in, look to the top right of your game for these new options. Some players are reporting that they do not yet have the full screen button, so we suspect it is rolling out slowly to everyone as they monitor the bug reports and make sure things are running smoothly.

Are you playing Wild Ones? Do you appreciate playing in full screen now?
