Why it pays to protect your gadgets


The best part about getting a new gadget is unboxing it and reveling in the pristine condition it is currently. Next comes that little bit of joy when you see the logo appear on screen and hear the first startup chime.

Normally for the next month you'll baby the device, but eventually you'll get the first scuff or scratch and the newness is gone. At this point it's not just your enjoyment that has diminished; it's the resale value of the device when you end up selling it for the next version a year later.

When it comes to reselling an item, looks matter, and it is hard to place a value on just how much the average eBay or Craigslist buyer puts on the look of your last gadget. But Gazelle.com, an electronics recycling company, shares how it grades your gadgets. Anthony Scarsella, Gazelle's Chief Gadget Officer, was able to tell WalletPop in a phone interview just how much a scuff or a scratch will affect your iPhone or Droid's resale value.
