New Cafe World recipe: Clubhouse Sandwich

Clubhouse Sandwich Cafe World
Clubhouse Sandwich Cafe World

Doesn't it look great? And with a pickle on the side how can your customers in Cafe World help themselves? Here are the stats for the new recipe:
Cost: 450
Servings: 600
Earn 4 coins/serving for a total of 2400 coins

I always like to take the total earnings and subtract the cost of the recipe. Then take that number and divide it by the number of servings. This will give you the amount you make per serving after costs are deducted, your pure profit. For the Clubhouse sandwich the amount you earn per serving, after cost is 3.25 coins.

That isn't too bad. when you compare it too other recipes. For example, the Savory Stuffed Turkey will earn you 2.41 coins after costs and the Spitfire Roasted Chicken is 3.10 coins after cost.

This article originally appeared on Social Games Help.
