PetVille makes it easier to find pet trash

PetVille new indicator tells you when a room has trash in it
PetVille new indicator tells you when a room has trash in it

We publish so much here on about new themes and new fun decorations that sometimes we wonder if these game developers are really listening to us when we give feedback. PetVille tonight has shown us that they are definitely listening to our complaints and suggestions about the game. In an update tonight, the house indicator in the lower right of your screen will now highlight any rooms in red if there is a piece of trash in that particular room.

Cleaning pet's houses can be incredibly frustrating at times in PetVille because some people have so many rooms to their house. Finding the small piece of trash amidst all of the decorations and furniture can be difficult. This new feature makes it easy to tell at a glance if a room has trash in it, so that you're not wandering from room to room searching for that last banana peel or sock. Hip hip, hooray! Three cheers for this feature, because it is long overdue and much appreciated by PetVille players.
