Free rubber stamp from Vista Print

Free rubber stamp
Free rubber stamp

Get a free rubber stamp from Vista Print when you pay a few bucks for shipping. You can use the self-inking stamps for business or personal use.

Choose from 18 designs, including various address fonts or stamps that say "PAID," "COPY," "FAX," and "THANK YOU." Expect lots of opportunities to purchase business supplies like address labels, key chains, and business cards.

Shipping is $6.31 for stamp delivery in 21 days, $10.16 to receive it in 14 days, $14.32 to get it in seven days, or a whopping $26.84 for the stamp to arrive in three business days. I'm tempted to get one that says, "" and wait three weeks for it to arrive.

The stamp comes with black ink. If you want red or blue ink, it is $1-$1.50 more. Each additional stamp is $13. The actual size of the stamp is 1.42 x 0.47 inches. You can opt in or out of the e-mail list to hear about future deals when checking out.

Unclear how long this deal will last. Taking advantage of this deal supports WalletPop.
