Renters With Pets Hail 'Fluffy's Law'

Renters favor Bill 218 to allow pets in multi-unit buildings in Manitoba
Renters favor Bill 218 to allow pets in multi-unit buildings in Manitoba

Our nation's foreclosure crisis has left an estimated 1 million dogs and cats abandoned, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Many pets lose their homes and human families when owners can't find an apartment that accepts pets.

Enter, "Fluffy's Law."

Our neighbors to the north in Manitoba, Canada are looking at removing a landlord's ability to prohibit pets. More than 200 demonstrators gathered Saturday to support a bill by the province's Liberal leader, Jon Gerrard, that would make it illegal for owners of multi-unit buildings to prohibit residents from having pets.

It would also ensure that prospective tenants aren't turned away because they already have pets.
