Tiki Resort releases new Mother's Day flower charm

Tiki Resort Mother's Day flower charm
Tiki Resort Mother's Day flower charm

Just when you thought the barrage of Mother's Day themed items in Tiki Resort was over for the year, they have released yet another limited edition Mother's Day charm. The Mother's Day Charm will make all of your tourists happy and also will give you one of four random flower decorations. Because these decorations are random, it may be required to consume many more than four of these charms to get all the variations of flowers.

The Mother's Day charm is available as a free gift to send to friends and receive from your friends. You can also buy it from the Tiki Resort Shop for 19 Facebook Credits (or $1.90). It might be one of the last exclusive items for Mother's Day left, and unlike many charms that are expendable - this charm leaves behind permanent flowers that will make your resort bright and colorful.

Have you received the Mother's Day Charm in Tiki Resort yet?
