FishVille: Free shrimp available for fans for 1 day


Every day this week, FishVille have been giving away a free gift to players to show appreciation to all of their fans who have supported them over the past months. Today, the reward is a cute little Shrimp. When you log into FishVille, there will be a banner above the game that tells you how to claim the fish. You can also click on this link to claim this shrimp.

Once you have clicked the link, you'll have to confirm that you actually want the accept the shrimp. Once you accept it, it will show up in your gift box within the game. We're not sure how much longer this limited gift promotion will continue, or how long the link will be active. Other free gifts have included a pair of Kissing Fish, a Lobster, a Clone Fish Ability, a King Crab, and a Minotaur. It isn't clear quite yet if we will be seeing weekend surprises as well, or if this was a weekday event. We're enjoying the free gifts though, and we bet you are too! You can never go wrong with free critters and fish in FishVille.

Have you been enjoying the FishVille player appreciation week? Log in to Fishville to claim your reward!
