Recall Pampers Dry Max movement gets slammed by Procter & Gamble

Pampers battle gets ugly
Pampers battle gets ugly

Procter & Gamble, after weeks of jabbing back at a growing number of parents' claims that the newest version of Pampers is causing skin irritation on infants and toddlers nationwide, went for a knockout -- describing the allegations as "completely false rumors fueled by social media."

Consumer Ally first reported two weeks ago on the increasing number of complaints -- after speaking with numerous parents convinced the only possible cause of these sometimes-serious irritations was the new diapers. Afterward, TV stations from coast-to-coast and news wire services have reported similar claims. Parents want Pampers to recall the new diapers and replace them with the previous versions of the popular Cruisers and Swaddlers.

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission this week launched an investigation into the issue and is collecting parents' complaints as well as working with Procter & Gamble to determine whether the diapers are causing problems for infants and toddlers. It's unclear when that investigation might conclude.
