Older digital copiers can pose identity theft risks

digital copiers keep copies of your documents
digital copiers keep copies of your documents

I'll bet that at some time in your life you've used the company copier to copy a personal document. But no one was the wiser, right? Well, think again, according to a CBS report. Some older business copiers, which scan the document to digitize, then print the digital image, also store that image on its hard drive. If the drive isn't scrubbed before the copier is sold/junked, those images could still reside on the drive for thieves to exploit.

And the threat goes beyond your occasional use at the office. What about the copy shop that you use? Does your accountant make copies of your tax documents? Then that copier might have stored images of your documents on its hard drive. How about doctor's offices? School offices? Have your loved ones perhaps copied, on their office copier, intimate photos you've shared with them?
