Need a Quick, Low-Cost Move? Let the Bidding Begin!


Moving sucks. It's a fact of life, like water being wet. Pretty much everyone agrees that packing up everything you own in the world and having to get it all across a large (or short) distance is one of the most stressful things you can go through.

Add trying to find the best deal from a moving company on top of it and you'll be just about ready to call the whole thing off or least scream a little and pull out your own hair.

Just ask Linda Nardin, who recently put her second home in Craryville, N.Y. up for sale. She expected it to sit on the market for a while.

"The first couple to walk through the door ended up making an offer," she said. And while the successful sale of a house in this economy is always reason to celebrate, Nardin realized she had to get ready to move all the New York home's belongings to her home in Moneta, Va. -- almost 600 miles -- and fast. "I was suddenly in this scramble mode," she explained.

Luckily she had a secret weapon, uShip.
